Belonging: The Connection to DEI

Most can agree, the last few years in the workplace has been full of interesting twists and turns. One of the positive enlightenments is the long overdue reevaluation of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) practices and how powerful they can be to corporate culture. While these concepts certainly aren’t new, the resurgence and heightened awareness around talent acquisition, promotions, and diversity in leadership representation is sparking great energy and efforts. One concept often left out of the acronym is the ‘B’ for Belonging. Considering today’s predominantly remote workforce, the foundational human need to belong, where we feel safe and valued for celebrating what makes us different, amplifies at large.

According to research conducted by BetterUp, if workers feel like they belong, companies reap substantial bottom-line benefits. High belonging was linked to an impressive 56% increase in job performance, a 50% drop in turnover risk, and a 75% reduction in sick days. For a 10,000-person company, this would result in annual savings of more than $52M.

Employees with higher workplace belonging also showed a 167% increase in their employer promoter score (their willingness to recommend their company to others). They also received double the raises, and 18 times more promotions.

During Qualtrics’ Work Different event, Dr. Brene Brown, Research Professor at the University of Houston, discussed how “Belonging invites us to show up as our true selves and know that we matter.” She went on to say, “There’s a need for courageous cultures with daring leaders that lean into vulnerability, curiosity and the human side. Leaders that can build cultures that empathize, trust, and create psychological safety, will improve a sense of belonging that energizes productivity, satisfaction and overall happiness.” Dr. Brown also discussed an effective way to operationalize an organization’s core values to drive belonging by mobilizing marketing speak into action. Break down each value into 2-3 behaviors and find ways to bake each behavior into daily operation, communication and process.  

6 Additional Ways to Create Belonging in a Remote Workplace


We all want to be recognized for a job well done, but more actions require recognition than putting in late hours or project completion. Highlight those who test status quo ways of thinking and authentically ask questions that uncover unique perspectives. A greater sense of belonging occurs when we’re appreciated for being real. Culture that respects different viewpoints, creates space for everyone to speak up at the table, be heard, considered and acknowledged.


Naturally, this is huge. Find the channels where information is best received. Make it consistent, transparent and accessible. Leverage technology for dedicated messaging platforms, community groups, and remote events to boost employee connection.

Employee Driven Interest Groups

Chit-chatting by the coffee machine is no longer. Encourage conversations that once took place in person to take on new life through interest groups that meet regularly, whether the topics be Easy Recipes, Gender Equality, or How to Work & Homeschool Kids, invite employees to take ownership and continue the discussions that matter.

Feedback Loops

Organizations that regularly invite employee feedback and take those messages to heart, are fostering an inclusive culture. Leaders who respond and make change based on feedback received, lets employees know they belong. Their voice is not only heard but makes a fundamental difference.

Leadership Allies and Mentorship

Establish a mentorship program and a management team that take an individualized interest in the success and happiness of their colleagues. Activities like regular check-ins, career coaching, and becoming an internal advocate, shows a vested commitment to personal and professional well-being, drastically increasing productivity and retention.  

Care Packages

Who doesn’t love getting a package in the mail? It feels like a holiday on a regular day! Consider sending someone a cake or flowers on their birthday, company swag, or personal favorites (chocolates, coffee, and red wine come to mind). A nice ‘thinking of you’ or ‘thank you’ goes a long way.

What can you do each day to ensure you’re contributing to a collective community and improving a sense of belonging in your organization?  


What Matters Most - Trust


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